Lonely Planet Announces its 7 Best Travel Blogs and Trailblazers

November 27, 2017

Abigail King and Lonely Planet Partnership Announced

2017 saw Lonely Planet reveal their favourite seven travel blogs and launch their groundbreaking Trailblazers programme. And I’m thrilled to announce that Inside the Travel Lab is one of them!

As Deputy Editor Emma Sparks said:

Our Trailblazers have proven themselves to be pioneers in the blogger and travel influencer sphere, demonstrating best practices and impeccable professionalism. Their writing, photography and videography is top notch and aligns with Lonely Planet’s message. Just like Lonely Planet, our Trailblazers encourage their audiences to explore every day.

“Lonely Planet Trailblazers are ambassadors for our brand and we’ll be working with them very closely over the coming months and years. They will be travelling to Best in Travel destinations to report from the ground, as well as representing Lonely Planet at events and in the media. They’re officially part of the LP family.”

Find out who the other six are over here.

About the author 

Abi King

Abigail King is an award-winning journalist and photographer whose work has appeared in National Geographic Traveler, Lonely Planet, the BBC, Red, CNN and more.

She is one of the leading figures in the UK for blogging and social media in travel and her blog, Inside the Travel Lab, is described as one of the best in the world.

She loves mango chutney, Blackadder and marmite toast buttered just right.

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