Thrilled to find Inside the Travel Lab shortlisted for the #TravMediaAwards from TravMedia UKIt's been a very

Abigail King is an award-winning journalist, author, broadcaster and content creator whose work has appeared in National Geographic Traveler, Lonely Planet, the BBC, Italia, CNN and more.
She is the founder of Inside the Travel Lab, regularly ranked as one of the best travel blogs in the world.

Writing and social media
Over 13 years experience writing for household names as well as creating own blog and social media channels.
Speaking & Broadcasting
Hired by the EU, UNESCO, NASA, Lonely Planet, the BBC and more. Live and recorded video, speaking and radio interviews.
Travel Expertise
Travel to over 50 countries and a leading figure in online UK travel media.
Medicine & SCIENCE
Former doctor, and medical writer and author.
Abigail King is one of the leading figures in the UK for blogging and social media in travel.
Her blog, Inside the Travel Lab, has been described as “one of the best travel blogs in the world” by National Geographic Traveller and Lonely Planet. Grazia described her as one of “the hottest online explorers,” while Cosmopolitan listed her as one of the ten “top travel tweeters.”
Her scientific work has appeared in the Emergency Medicine Journal, Critical Care, The Lancet and more, drawing on her former experience as a hospital doctor.
Although British and now based in the UK, she has lived in Saudi Arabia, Tanzania, France and Spain and can speak both French and Spanish.
She is available for freelance assignments.
What editors say
Seb Neylan
Director Online Marketing, Lonely Planet
" Abi conducts herself professionally and is immensely reliable. Most importantly, the content she produces is top notch. Whether it’s social content on Twitter, live video content on Periscope or well-written article pieces and blog posts on Other member of the Lonely Planet Online Editorial & Community team would echo these sentiments. Beyond all this, though, she’s affable and a pleasure to deal with – which is always a big plus!."
Amy Alipio
Associate Editor, National Geographic Traveler
" Abigail brings a writerly and stylish voice to her travel pieces for me. Her pieces are well-researched and nicely detailed. She makes my job easy as an editor!"
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